Elite Illusion at the Rose Garden Ceremony- Critique of Decadence / by ALT Magazine

By: Olivia Austria-Kemble

I remember the dire days of August 2020 in the midst of our country’s “first wave” of COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, our nation’s leading disease expert, was shown on television pleading the public to wear masks and emphasizing the need to limit group gatherings and stay socially distanced if there were any hopes of controlling COVID-19’s raging path. It seemed people were beginning to heed Fauci’s warning after seeing the consequences from July’s celebrations. Yet, a month and a half later, I turned on the television to see 200 people collected on the lawns of the White House with few efforts of social distancing and seemingly little care for masks as well. Smiling senators, governors, journalists and other prominent figures gathered in their polished attire as former POTUS announced Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court Justice nominee.

Unfortunately, Trump’s Rose Garden ceremony, thrown in efforts to celebrate Barrett’s nomination and provide his campaign with newfound momentum, resulted in something less ceremonious – a superspreader event. About 200 attended the lavish Rose Garden ceremony. Twelve went home with COVID-19, including Trump himself who was hospitalized due to the virus’ complications. What’s interesting is the fact that Trump hosted this event in blatant contradiction to his appointed disease advisor, Dr. Fauci. While Fauci was speaking to the nation on the importance of protective measures, the former President was acting in direct opposition. This gives the impression that Trump and those who attended his party believed the regulatory rules of safety outlined by Fauci didn’t apply to them. It seems that in this case, these people were living under the illusion that they are untouchable by the virus. And I can only predict that this illusion stems from their powerful stance within our society. To them, the COVID-19 pandemic is something that the mundane must deal with; the country’s leaders don’t have to worry about it. 

But on the contrary, the leaders of our nation should be practicing the most safety during a global pandemic as they hold the stature of being the most “important.” Perspective governmental workers aren’t abundant. Current positions aren’t easily replaceable, which means their positions must be protected from impending threats--including raging viruses. Yet gathering in groups of 200 is completely reckless given the context of a pandemic. Additionally, these bureaucratic figures are meant to serve as role-models for the people they govern--especially so of the President of the United States. But as seen in this situation, our nation’s role-models are demonstrating irresponsible behavior by celebrating, gathering, and disregarding the use of masks. They are giving citizens the impression to live with little regard or concern of the devastating pandemic. 

Events like the Rose Garden ceremony clearly draw a divide between; those in power who have the illusionary privileges which make them believe they are untouchable from the pandemic; and the common population who must deal with the multiple disruptions caused by COVID-19. Irresponsible indulgence by these decadent few who believe they are unburdened by infectious diseases prove detrimental to the public morale. Their actions only perpetuate national sentiments of disunity and polarization over the “proper” response to the COVID pandemic.